Soul Drawings & Shamanic Journeying

Meet the beautiful and soulful Whitney Mullings.  I met Whitney through coincidence and the magic of the interwebs. Whitney is full of joy, wisdom, and exudes positivity, she is a joy to know. 

I'm excited to introduce you to Whitney because she has spent time and energy developing her spiritual gifts and through those experiences has gained interesting insights to share with others.

Whitney is a wife, mom to two boys, and a Soul Brand Shaman.  What's a Soul Brand Shaman?  And what does said Shaman do?  Well read on and let's find out together.

Please tell us about yourself, and what you do.

I’m Whitney Mullings, a soul brand shaman. I use ancient shamanic techniques to show you how to pull your message from the heart, align your brand with purpose, and create a brand essence matching your vibrations. I love giving entrepreneurs tools to stand out in the crowded marketplace while effortlessly standing in their value.

How did you take this road?  How did you get started?

I started on this path because I never felt confident in myself, and decided it’s time I believe and trusts in myself instead of always looking for outside validation. And finally step into the leadership role I want as a mother, a wife, a business owner, moreover be the guide for my clients to their own transformations.W

What about your work gets you excited & makes you feel fulfilled?

It’s most fulfilling when I see that shift in my clients’ energies when they own their uniqueness confidently and powerfully. That’s when I see shifts and things start to change in their reality. Let it be a soul client showing up, or being happy again.

How do you define spirituality?

Great question! Spirituality to me is understanding the energies behind your emotions. From which promotes growth and expansion in one’s consciousness in love. It all starts within in self-love and self-compassion.

Was there a moment or event that made you feel connected to a divine source?

Yes, many times over when I shamanic journey and connect with my soul. It’s the feeling of love, being supported, empowered, and trust in all that’s happening in life is a way to help you learn and grow. And the reward is always better than I can imagine. For example, I remember it was the scariest thing I’ve done for myself when I quit my full-time salary job. A big leap into focusing on my own business, and a bet on myself to creating success from it. My last pay cheque was in the amount of $333.

I’m interested to learn more about your Soul Drawing & Shamanic Journeying. What is a Soul Drawing?

Soul drawing is a custom intuit drawing of your energy using the language of color. The layers of insight come from a scan of your chakras, aura, plus anything else that comes through in your auric field. A telling of your soul’s purpose, gifts, and where you’re headed in the world. I use it to help my clients align their brand with their purpose.

How do you receive the information? 

I connect in energy and intuit the drawing. Then we follow up on a private call to go over the details and shamanic journeying for my clients to experience themselves in energy.

Do you have to do anything to prepare for it?

No prep at all. It’s a lot of fun with the shocking factor especially some clients have gone into it without any prior conversations before. 

Have you always had spiritual gifts?  

No. I didn’t see fairies or any connections as a child. I’ve connected with energies through practice and apprenticing under the modern-day shaman. 

When did you notice or feel the pull to learn more?  

My journey started when I hit a wall in my business. I remembered it as the point of life or death of my entrepreneurship! I basically didn’t have a business when I wasn’t making any money from it. And the choices were either get a job or invest in my own transformation to get over whatever this was. From the decision I will do whatever it is to succeed was when I met my mentor. And started learning about my own energies through my own emotions, then transformed my vibration and attracted soul clients. 

Have you had any ‘you won’t believe this’ experiences?

Very many! One example was something I had to shed heavily is the conditioning around stay at home mom. Where the woman should be cleaning the house, getting dinner ready, managing the kids in every way. The moment I let go of this shadow, my husband came home from work that night suggesting to hire a cleaning service! 

In a nutshell what is Shamanic Journeying?

Shamans are trained to hold the energy container and lead your energy to experience different realms in space and time, dimensions, and other energies such as your spirit guides, animal spirits, archangels, even energies of the earth; crystals, plants, and it’s really fun when you don’t know what to expect and just go for the ride.

Just for fun, Do you have a favorite crystal?

Yes!!! My lemurian seed crystal has been my favorite since I got it couple years ago. 

Whitney, you are a delight, I have loved learning about your journey and a bit of how you experience the world.  Thank you for sharing with us.

If you'd like to connect with Whitney you can find her at:


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