Becoming a Victim or Villian

Instead of being jealous of others, look to them as guides or teachers. If someone has a lifestyle, talent or attribute that you want, figure out how to do that for yourself. It’s ok to feel jealous, but don’t let it settle into your heart because it breeds contempt and ugliness.
Giving into jealousy diminishes your personal power. You are giving up on yourself, and you are succumbing to low level vibrations, fear, unease, and dissatisfaction. Instead notice the jealousy, but reframe it to motivate you. Allow it to push you to power your own dreams.
Mother's Day can trigger some big emotions.

You do that by creating a new association with this day. Changing how you think about things that normally cause you pain.
If you grieving the loss of your mom, whether from death or because the relationship was never safe, give yourself the things you wished your mother could. You can mother yourself, give yourself the unconditional love you crave or miss. Tell yourself, how proud you are of yourself, reflect on how wonderful you really are, give yourself what you wish your mother could.
- Write yourself a letter as if you are your own mother, write everything you wished you heard from her. Give yourself that gift - YOU are worth it.
Are you blocking the flow of abundance?

You are positioning yourself into the energy of abundance. Why would the universe send you more, if you aren't being gracious with what it's already sent you, even compliments.
When someone says you did a great job, don't go pointing out the flaws in it. When they say your hair looks nice, don't say I need my highlights done, Say, "thank you" & believe them. You did do a great job & your hair looks amazing.
Be open to receiving, don't block the positive.
Feng Shui - Red Envelopes, Coins & Doormats

Welcoming abundance with Feng Shui, Red envelopes, & Coins.
One such activity is getting a red envelope, placing eight coins in the highest denomination of the currency you use and putting it under the mat on your front door. This is to welcome abundance and prosperity.
Are you wondering if I did it? You know I did.
Are Crystals Magical? Do they have powers???

Here is a real-life story from a friend and customer, Nancy who gave me permission to share her and her son's story. A few years ago, I had gone digging for quartz crystals in Arkansas. I gave out a few of those crystals to a few people, Nancy was one of them. Here is the message she sent me: "I have to share with you what a gift that wee crystal that you gave me a while back has been for me & my oldest!! Crazy guy goes & buys a Hearse from a funeral home that he does business...