
Do You Need Fixing?

Do You Need Fixing?

You don't need to whiter teeth, longer or shorter hair, more money, more education, less cellulite, YOU are fine, just as you are.  You are ready to start walking towards the thing you want. 

If you've been waiting to "FIX" yourself, consider yourself FIXED.  You are the way you're meant to be right now, that doesn't mean you can't and won't evolve, improve, and change, but that's the stuff you do while you're DOING the things.

You are enough just as you are right now. Life is SHORT!  You better do what's in your heart while you can because one day you won't have the option.

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Follow Up to: Why I Don't Use White Sage

Follow Up to: Why I Don't Use White Sage

One reason why I don’t think we should call what we’re doing Smudging or Saging is because we’re not doing what those words represent.  Yes, it might look like it because of the similar elements & we burn them, but that’s where the similarities end.

To my limited knowledge, the Saging or Smudging ceremonies actually start with gathering and preparing the elements in special ways. The plants need to be collected in particular ways, along with certain blessings and prayers before any burning occurs.  The rituals as I have read are typically done in groups led by a holy person of that group.  The ceremonies are done in specific ways according to that tribes traditions and teachings. 

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Why I Don't Use White Sage

Why I Don't Use White Sage

The Native People believe these plants are medicine & many will not sell it as their culture believes in giving healthcare versus selling it (maybe we could learn something here)

There are many other issues to unpack, but in my opinion one of the deepest ones is that, up until relatively recently there were actual laws in place that made it ILLEGAL for Native people to practice their cultural ceremonies.

Only in 1978 the Indian Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) was passed & gave back religious freedoms. So for LESS than 50 years American Indians have been "granted permissions" to practice their religious rights.  (Almost unbelievable)

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Learn to Love Yourself like it's your Job, because it is.

Learn to Love Yourself like it's your Job, because it is.

The way I look at it is, this person who has wounded me, is a wounded person themselves.  They have been hurt and damaged in some way, and have not been able to heal themselves. If they are treating me badly or lashing out at me, it’s because they are in a way sick. (I’m into spiritual $#i+, so I equate it to a sickness or hollowness of the soul.)  How can I expect to get what I need from someone who is clearly hampered emotionally, and probably mentally as well? I have to provide myself with what I need.  I need to recognize my own value, and importance.  I need to believe that I am on this earth for a reason, and there is value in my being.  I don’t have to cure any diseases, or win awards, I just need to be.

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46 Days Away From Turning 50

46 Days Away From Turning 50

And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I have accomplished something before the age of 50 that many women never have the chance to do: I have fallen in love with myself in spite of the wreckage of my belly, the cellulite on my thighs, my too-thin hair, and flabby arms. Because all of those are the things I would want to hug to death if I could get my hands on me.

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