If you've never heard of Human Design, it's like a personality inventory system that gives you insights into why you behave and think the way you do. I describe it as a distant cousin to Enneagram Types, or Love Languages, it can guide you to knowing yourself better, and maybe picking paths that lead to more joy.
Human Design is NOT based in any type of faith, religion, anything mystical, and you don't need a crystal ball to get answers. You really just need your time & birthdate. It blends astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah and the Chakras to uncover what makes you, uniquely YOU!
I had the most delightful conversation with Renee Greenland, creator of Seen As Me, and expert in Human Design and Astrology!
Besides, being into all the things that make me perk up, crystals, essential oils, one's life purpose, Renee is a Kiwi from beautiful (and I think COVID free - funny, not funny, but nice for them ) New Zealand!
Renee makes posters and books for people who want to know more about themselves and ultimately, remember who they innately are!
*Spoiler Alert* You're going to love this info & at the end of this blog have a chance to win your own personalized poster from Renee!
"Perhaps they've forgotten what they're naturally good at or they feel lost and don't know what to do with their life. Or maybe they just need reminding of the things they innately love to do so they can make time for those things, and therefore more joy, in their lives. And I do this by using their birth details. It's crazy, I know, but you can learn a lot about yourself just by the time and date you were born!"

Once Renee uncovered this treasure trove of information, and almost 'secret codes' to unlocking her purpose, and that of those around her, she began creating a guide book for herself. Including everything that makes her special, reminders of how she views things, and what type of things she needs to do and avoid. She created something she could go to when she needed that reminder of who she really is, and what kind of things she needs to do to keep herself on track to creating the life she's meant to have.
This lead to her passion for creating 'guidebooks' and 'signposts' for other people and soon her company As Seen As Me was born. Renee gives us a little peek into what goes into a book & how the information can help us, "ride the emotional waves"
Renee shares a beautiful story of a mom who ordered a chart for her adopted daughter :
If you're like me and want to learn more about yourself, you can connect with the lovely Renee and check out one of her free resources to knowing yourself better and getting your $#it together
Get a jumpstart on creating a better 2021! 'Know Thyself' Enter for a chance to win your own digital poster, click the image below to enter!!