Capricorn CZ Zodiac Necklace
Capricorn CZ Zodiac Necklace

Capricorn CZ Zodiac Necklace

Regular price $42.00

Capricorns are known for their ambitious, responsible, and disciplined nature. They are hardworking individuals who are determined to achieve their goals, often through careful planning and perseverance. Capricorns tend to be practical and grounded, preferring to take a steady and methodical approach to life. They are also known for their loyalty, reliability, and sense of duty. While they may appear reserved or serious at times, Capricorns have a dry sense of humor and a deep sense of loyalty to those they care about.

Here are a few celebrities who are Capricorns:

  1. LeBron James (December 30)
  2. Kate Middleton (January 9)
  3. Bradley Cooper (January 5)
  4. Michelle Obama (January 17)
  5. Lin-Manuel Miranda (January 16)

These individuals showcase some of the typical Capricorn traits such as ambition, hard work, and success in their respective fields.


Necklace is approximately 16" plus 1.5" extension chain at the end.

Plated metal jewelry is Fashion Jewelry. It won't last forever, but with reasonable care it can last years. Interactions with salt water, chlorine, high humidity, sweat & other chemicals like perfume, lotions, hair sprays, will dull the metal & most likely discolor. Over time the plated gold will eventually wear off.

Take off in between bathing, swimming, avoid getting wet or leaving in high humidity environments like bathrooms.

Your fashion jewelry is pretty, fun & didn't break the bank, if you take care of it, it can last a good long while.

Wear in good health & happy vibes.

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